Hello,I'm Fares

Turning Ideas into Interactive Reality: Your Path to Brilliant Web Solutions Designed and Developed with Care.


I Provide These Services


I craft digital experiences so delightful and user-friendly that even your grandma would navigate with a grin. From sleek designs to intuitive interfaces, I'm your UI/UX maestro, orchestrating user love one click at a time.

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From picking the right colors to crafting a logo that winks at your dreams, I've got it all covered. Let's make your brand unforgettable - the kind that even your pet goldfish will recognize

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Web Development

I weave pixel-perfect front-end magic and behind-the-scenes back-end wizardry, crafting websites that work like a charm. I manage the nerdy stuff - deploying spells, testing potions.

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My Recent Projects

Project 1

Portfolio Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Vel, natus modi asperiores quis eum non assumenda tempore saepe molestiae odit.

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Project 2

NGO Landing Page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Vel, natus modi asperiores quis eum non assumenda tempore saepe molestiae odit.

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Project 3

Musuem of Candy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Vel, natus modi asperiores quis eum non assumenda tempore saepe molestiae odit.

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Project 4

Online Resume

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Vel, natus modi asperiores quis eum non assumenda tempore saepe molestiae odit.

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My Education & Experience


Embedded Computing and Robotics

ENISo : National School of Engineers of Sousse

2012 - 2015

Specialized in Embedded Computing and Robotics. Proficient in designing and developing advanced technological solutions. Skilled in leveraging technical expertise to drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and contribute to cutting-edge projects in the field.

Mathematics & Physics

Preparatory Institute for Engineering Studies of Tunis

2009 - 2012

Graduated with a strong foundation in Mathematics and Physics. Equipped with analytical skills and problem-solving prowess. Proficient in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, fostering a strong basis for further academic pursuits and practical applications

Computer Science Baccalaureate

High School Hay Essalem Boumhal

2009 (major of promotion)

Distinguished by my proficiency in various programming languages, notably my foundational language, Pascal. I excelled as the top-ranked student in my promotion, earning the honor of being the first in my entire city. My strong educational background empowers me to innovate and drive progress within the tech industry


Technical Support Engineer

Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business

2023 - present

Microsoft Teams Support Engineer with a strong foundation in programming, offering expertise in web application development. Proven problem-solving abilities, providing technical assistance and optimized solutions.

Operation Team Leader


2017 - 2023

Dynamic Operations Team Leader with experience in managing bilingual French and English teams, adept at utilizing Dropbox for efficient workflow coordination. Effective communicator and organizer, skilled in driving team performance and ensuring seamless collaboration

Technical Support Engineer

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Technical Support Engineer well-versed in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, adeptly handling incident management across Tier 1 and Tier 2. Proficient in troubleshooting complex issues, optimizing system security, and ensuring robust functionality for seamless user experiences


Let's work together!